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Cherry Point Spouses Club Scholarship

The Cherry Point Spouse Club (CPSC) Scholarship Program’s mission is to enhance the MCAS Cherry Point community by assisting military dependents in our area through education.

CPSC will award merit scholarships to qualified applicants, both graduating high school seniors as well as continuing education students of all ages. Scholarships will be awarded based on scholastic achievement, community involvement, and a written essay. 

If awarded, the scholarship monies will be sent directly to the designated academic institution after the Scholarship Committee has received proof of enrollment no later than 31 May 2025.

All awarded scholarships must be used in the following school year of 2025/2026 and are to be used for tuition, fees, books, and supplies only; scholarships may not be used to cover room/board expenses or licensing fees.


Applicants must be a dependent (all Spouses OR children/stepchildren under the age of 23) registered in DEERS of a qualified sponsor as described below. 

The applicant must have a sponsor that meets ONE of the following criteria: 

  • Active Duty or Reserve military personnel of any rank or branch of service assigned to MCAS Cherry Point. 
  • Retired military personnel of any rank or branch of service who served on MCAS Cherry Point while on active duty and now receive services at MCAS Cherry Point.
  • Deceased military personnel of any rank or branch of service who served on MCAS Cherry Point while on active or reserve duty and whose dependents currently receive services at MCAS Cherry Point. 
  • Current high school seniors whose sponsor had been assigned to MCAS Cherry Point and had orders executed to leave the area but the student is finishing their final academic year at a local high school. 


Applicants are ineligible for the CPSC Scholarship if they:

  • Have been awarded a full scholarship
  • Have been appointed to any Military Service Academy or awarded a full ROTC scholarship;
  • Have received a scholarship from another region’s Spouse Club;
  • Have received the CPSC scholarship 4 times.

Cherry Point Spouses Club Assistance

The 2025 Assistance Application for local schools, organizations & businesses can be found below. 

The funding CPSC assistance typically vary from $200 - $5,000, with the average grant being $1,000. Projects should be sustainable, reusable, and monies awarded will complete the project. CPSC accepts applications from organizations who will use funds to make an impact on our local community.

Application Criteria

  • CPSC supports local schools and select government programs.

  • CPSC supports a wide variety of charitable activities with emphasis in the following areas: activities that benefit military members, families, and surrounding communities.

  • CPSC will consider assistance requests from local organizations that support the community and operate with fiscal accountability and responsibility.

  • Organizations must demonstrate a non-discrimination policy regarding staff, employment, governing board and service delivery on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or national origin.

All applications should be clear and concise with straightforward answers.

Applicants should demonstrate that the organization:

  • Employs effective, proven methods to solve problems or address needs.
  • Avoids duplication of service.
  • Has clear objectives and a well thought out process to evaluate the program.
  • Justifies the resources requested by demonstrating substantial positive benefits to the military community.
  • Collaborates with other agencies & groups if appropriate.


Assistance will not be made for the following purposes: 
Fundraising campaigns, fundraising events, marketing events, consumables/ food, testimonial dinners, re-granting of funds in an organization’s own name, salaries, supporting religious organizations for religious purposes, for general support of operating budgets, or to cover past operating deficits or debt

ALL applications (Scholarship & Assistance) are due by 5pm on MARCH 15th, 2025. Late, incomplete, or applications that did not follow the instructions will NOT be accepted. 

You must sign in using a google account to access the above application. Review the instructions carefully as this application has changed from previous years.

Suggested Resources & Templates:

MCCS Resume Writing Class

Recommendation Request Template.docx

Please contact CPspouseclub.scholarship@gmail.com with any questions.

2025 Assistance Application

You must sign in using a google account to access the above application. Review the instructions carefully as this application has changed from previous years.

Suggested Templates:

Item Quote Example

Acknowledgment Letter Example

Please contact Cpspouseclub.president@gmail.com with any questions. 

The Cherry Point Spouse Club is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 2201, Havelock, North Carolina,28532

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